Hello there! We’re here today to review the Cavilla Eyelash Serum. If you haven’t heard of it, you’ve probably been living under a social media rock. Either that, or you’ve been super busy over this period of time. No shame, no shame. You go get it, girl.
Either ways, the Cavilla eyelash serum has exploded across social media in the past few months, and its fanbase only seems to be growing larger and larger as the days go by. Is this cult following a testament to its lash-growing prowess, or is it just a gimmicky fad that will die off with time?
Judging by the gazillion reviews testifying to its amazing capabilities, we highly doubt that the Cavilla eyelash serum is a trend that will die off quickly. Thousands of people seem to like it.
And you see… when people buy trendy stuff, splash it over social media and it spills over onto our Instagram feed, our hearts get itchy.
So, we decided to buy and try it too.
Here goes our no-holds barred review of the Cavilla eyelash growth serum!
Just a friendly reminder, we weren’t sponsored or paid to write this post. How we wish we were, though. Cavilla, if you’re seeing this, please sponsor us. Much appreciated.
Let’s begin!
Price of the Cavilla Eyelash Serum
We paid S$146 for three bottles of the Cavilla eyelash serum. One bottle is priced at S$56, while two go for S$100. Each bottle has 3ml of serum, which makes the eyelash serum pricier than liquid gold. Just kidding. Shouldn’t be the case. Sure felt like it, though. Tears were leaking from our wallets as we entered the fatal amount into the Paylah application.

Granted, as compared to other eyelash serums touted by other stores, the Cavilla eyelash serum is worth the money that you’re paying. For example, the Super Doll eyelash serum is priced at S$64.90 on Lazada for 3ml. Xlash’s eyelash serum is going for S$89.90 at Watsons for 3ml, or S$144.90 for 6ml, while the New Born Lash eyelash and brow serum is even pricier, at S$160 a pop on Carousell for 5ml.
If you purchase all three bottles of the Cavilla lash serum, you get 9ml for S$146, which makes your purchase significantly cheaper as compared to the other eyelash serum products currently in the market.
Ingredients of the Cavilla Eyelash Serum
The eyelash serum comes in a nondescript blue box with its ingredients printed on the back. For the common layman, the ingredients would seem like gibberish. No, seriously. We couldn’t understand it for nuts. Who in the world would know what “hydroxy acetophenone” is?
Our point is; human beings with no knowledge of the chemicals they use – like us – wouldn’t know what they’re talking about. Ask a room at large if they’re up for putting some “myristoyl pentapeptide-4” on their eyelids. We’ll bet our dogs that nobody will say yes. The fact that we don’t have dogs is besides the point.
But see, we did our due diligence and did some research on the ingredients of the Cavilla eyelash serum!
It contains twenty-seven ingredients and is apparently free from comedogenic components. This means that it won’t cause blackheads because the serum won’t block the pores of our skin. It’s free from harmful alcohols, allergens, gluten, sulfates and fungal acne feeding components (bad, naughty ingredients that give you acne).
It’s free from parabens (preservatives, like those in army rations so we can eat them twenty years later), silicones, polyethylene glycol, also known as PEG (which some people can be allergic to) and synthetic fragrances.
This means that the Cavilla eyelash serum is absolutely safe for its users!
Furthermore, there seems to be many positive benefits to the Cavilla eyelash serum. There are claims that it contains anti-aging, moisturising, soothing, healing, whitening, antiseptic and UV-protection properties.
Please take all these benefits with a pinch of salt though. Google tells us we have cancer whenever we search for answers to our symptoms while sick.
Premise of the Cavilla Eyelash Serum
The box calmly promises that the serum will “nourish and replenish the nutrients needed for eyelashes [and] moisturise the roots of the eyelashes. Make the eyelash tougher, healthy, dense and longer”.
Cue our skeptical face.
How to Use the Cavilla Eyelash Serum The instructions on the back of the box are underwhelming, to say the least. All it says it “Can be used on eyelash and eyebrow, apply day and night”.
Fear not, we were lost in the beginning as well. But we’re here to save you. Over the past 4-5 weeks of usage, here’s the routine we’ve settled for that works for us:
Wash your face properly and ensure that your eyes are clean. Make sure that the eyelids and lash area are both dry.
Uncap the Cavilla eyelash serum. Excess usually clings to the brush, so make sure to dab it off. Inside the bottle, okay? Remember, this thing is heckin’ expensive.
Gently apply the serum sparingly on your upper and lower lashes, avoiding your skin as much as possible.
Other tips include only using the serum once a day for the first ten days. This is because redness or itchiness might be a side-effect that you feel after applying it too often and too much in the beginning. We’ve seen other reviews where they said they use a lot of it, which resulted in the darkening of their eyelids where they put the product.
Please don’t load up your brush and think it’ll make your eyelashes grow faster the more you apply. Your un-darkened eyelids and wallet will thank your sparing use of the Cavilla eyelash serum.
Subsequently, you can increase the usage to twice a day, applying it in the morning pre-makeup and at night, after removing your makeup. Guess what’s the best part – in the beginning, while waiting for your lashes to reach their full potential and unlock swoon-worthy flutter, you still can put on mascara and eye makeup after the serum dries!
Side Effects of the Cavilla Eyelash Serum
Honestly, we were both quite apprehensive when first using it.
The texture is like water. It felt like nothing and smelt like nothing.
But then again, what were we expecting? Unicorns and rainbows shooting out of the serum tube?
For one of us, a slight tingling and itchy sensation came after we used it. The other didn’t experience this side-effect, though. We would have panicked, but then apparently, it’s a normal side-effect for people with sensitive skin and she does have very sensitive skin indeed. Even up till today, she still has the tingly feeling while using it. According to her, it’s not unbearable – just tingly.

The brush tip is kind of unfriendly, though. Both of us agree on this and had a good laugh over nearly blinding ourselves with the brush tip while using it. Even after four to five weeks of using it, the both of us still can’t get used to it – it’s kind of difficult directing the brush to where we want it to go. Or maybe we’re just incompetent with makeup brushes. My friend has mascara smudges on her eyelids. She’s nodding her head even as I type this out.
Also, if you’re having darkened eyelids after using the eyelash serum, please remember to dab off the excess. For the sake of your lids and wallet, dab off the excess (inside the bottle). Use the spare minimum, because it’s enough to stimulate eyelash growth.
Final Thoughts
We’ve been using the Cavilla eyelash serum for four to five weeks now, applying it religiously twice daily in the morning and at night. We’re ashamed to admit and announce that we’re converts and hardcore fans. Who cares that the Cavilla eyelash serum is expensive? Take our money, please. Every cent is worth it.

Our eyelashes grew quite a fair bit over the weeks, and we’ve received a lot of questions from our friends. “Eh, you go eyelash extension ah?”
Cue Betty Boop’s signature eyelash flutter.
We’ve heard reviews of other brands – some of our friends have tried more expensive brands, such as Super Doll. They’ve said that as compared to the ones they use, the Cavilla eyelash serum has a darkening effect in addition to the lengthening effect on eyelashes, which makes our eyelashes seem thicker and more prominent than theirs.
On a sidenote, please don’t expect your lashes to grow super quickly. We’ve had friends telling us that they only saw improvement in their lashes after using two tubes of the lash serum. Good news is that thus far, all of my friends who’ve embarked on the Cavilla lash journey with us have seen astounding results for their eyelashes. With Cavilla, you really can expect and attain eyelash growth.
To add, please be super aware of fake Cavilla eyelash serums out there, and only buy from its website directly or from authorised distributors! Be diligent when it comes to this – don’t always go for cheap!
We’ve attached the official distributors that we’ve purchased from right here!
Check out @shopcapsulebeauty and @lashsecret.sg on Instagram!
So, the question is…
What’s the overall rating of the Cavilla eyelash serum?
We’ll give it a solid 5 out of 5 stars. It does what it claims to do, doesn’t seem to have any bad side-effects and we’re super impressed with what we’ve seen thus far.
Will we continue purchasing the Cavilla eyelash serum?
Absolutely. Hold on, our wallet’s staring at us forlornly from our pockets. Just going to… casually ignore them.
Take our money, Cavilla. Take it all.